Constitution and By-Laws



We declare and establish this constitution to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This constitution will preserve the liberties of each individual church member and the freedom of action of this body in relation to our churches.


SECTION 1 – Name

This congregation of believers shall be known as Redeeming Grace Church.

SECTION 2 – Purpose

(A) This congregation is organized as a church exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(3C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue Law), including, but not limited to, for such purposes, the establishing and maintaining of religious worship, the building, maintaining and operating of churches, parsonages, schools, chapels, radio stations, television stations, rescue missions, print shops, day-care centers, camps, and nursing homes.

(B) The church shall also ordain and license men to the Gospel ministry; evangelize the unsaved by the proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; educate believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, both in Sunday and weekday schools of Christian education; and maintain missionary activities in the United States and any foreign country.



We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis for our beliefs. (II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 1:1) The church subscribes to the doctrinal statements of the Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper (See Article VI of the Bylaws)

  • Civil Government.
    1. We believe that God has ordained and created all authority consisting of three basic institutions: 1) the home; 2) the church; and 3) the state. Every person is subject to these authorities, but all (including the authorities themselves) are answerable to God and governed by His Word. God has given each institution specific Biblical responsibilities and balanced those responsibilities with the understanding that no institution has the right to infringe upon the other. The home, the church, and the state are equal and sovereign in their respective Biblically assigned spheres of responsibility under God (Rom. 13:1-7; Eph. 5:22-24; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 2:13-14).
  • Human Sexuality.
    1. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and pornography are sinful perversions of God’s gift of sex. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5,13; Gen. 26:8-9; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom 1:26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4).
      1. We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:10; Eph. 5:22-23).
      2. We believe that men and women are spiritually equal in position before God but that God has ordained distinct and separate spiritual functions for men and women in the home and the church. The husband, as led by God, is to be the leader of the home and men are to be the leaders (pastors and deacons) of the church. Accordingly, only men are eligible for licensure and ordination by the church. (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:18; 1 Tim 2:8-15; 3:4-5, 1
  • Divorce and Remarriage. We believe that God hates divorce and intends marriage to last until one of the spouses dies. Divorce and remarriage is regarded as adultery except on the grounds of fornication (Mai. 2:14-17; Matt. 19:3-12,; Rom. 7:1-3; 1 Tim 3:2,12; Titus 1:6).
  • Abortion. We believe that human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being. Abortion constitutes the unjustified, unexcused taking of unborn human life. We reject any teaching that abortions of pregnancies due to gender selection, birth or population control, or the mental well-being of the mother are acceptable. (Job 3:16; Psalms 51:5; 139:14-16: Isa. 44:24; 49:1, 5; Jer. 1:5; 20:15-18; Luke 1:44).
  • Lawsuits Between Believers. We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or the church to resolve personal disputes. We believe the church possesses all the resources necessary to resolve personal disputes between members. We do believe, however, that a Christian may seek compensation for injuries from another Christian’s insurance company as long as the claim is pursued without malice or slander (1 Cor. 6:1-8; Eph. 4:31-32).
  • Giving. We believe that every Christian, as a steward of that portion of God’s wealth entrusted to him, is obligated to support his local church financially. We believe that God has established the tithe as a basis for giving, but that every Christian should also give other offerings sacrificially and cheerfully to the support of the church, the relief of those in need, and the spread of the Gospel. We believe that any Christian relinquishes all rights to direct the use of the tithe or offering once the gift has been made. (emphasis added) (Gen. 14:20; Prov. 3:9-10; Acts 4:34-37; 1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor 9:6-7; Gal. 6:6; Eph. 4:28; 1 Tim. 5:17-18; 1 John 3:17).
SECTION 2 – Authority of Statement of Faith The statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe. We do believe, however, that the foregoing statement of faith accurately represents the teaching of the Bible, and therefore, is binding upon all members. All literature used in the church shall be in complete agreement with the statement of faith.
ARTICLE III – CHURCH COVENANT Having been led as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ (John 3:16; Acts 8:36-37, Rom. 10:8-10, Rom. 12:4-8),  We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and providing comfort, to promote its prosperity and spirituality, to sustain its worship, ordinances, doctrines, and discipline, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, and the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. (Rom. 12:9-21; Heb.l0:24-25).  We also engage to maintain public, family, and personal devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the excessive use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to abstain from the use of any illegal substance; to use our influence to promote God’s word as it deals with sin; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. (Rom. 12:1-2; II Tim. 2:24-26) We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember one another in prayer, to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech, to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation without delay being mindful of the word of our Lord. (Gal 6:1-6; I Tim. 2:1-4-8) We moreover, engage that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with another Christian church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word. (Heb. 10:24-25)
ARTICLE IV – POLICY AND RELATIONSHIP The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it Persons duly received by the members shall constitute the membership. (See Article I of the Bylaws) All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall report to and be accountable only to the church, unless otherwise specified by church action. This church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Southern Baptist churches. Insofar as is practical, this church will cooperate with and support the association, the State Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.



SECTION 1 – General

This is a sovereign and democratic Southern Baptist Church under the lordship of Jesus Christ. The church retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.  The church reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.

SECTION 2 – Qualifications for Membership

Upon unanimous vote of the members present at any church service or meeting, membership shall be extended to all who have had and whose lives evidence a genuine experience of regeneration through faith in and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior; who renounce sin; who endeavor to live a consecrated life holy unto the Lord; who fully subscribe to the statement of faith contained herein; and who enter into the church covenant contained herein; and upon compliance with any one of the following conditions:

(A) By baptism (immersion) as a true believer in Christ Jesus as personal Savior;

(B) By letter of transfer from another Baptist Church;

(C) By testimony of faith, having been baptized by immersion in a Christian beliefs’ Bible based church as described in the Baptist Faith & Message;

(D) By profession of faith and satisfactory evidence to the Church that water baptism is desired but not possible; or

(E) By restoration, if having been removed from membership, upon majority vote of the church after confession is made publicly before the Leadership and/or the party the sin was against, and satisfactorily evidencing repentance to the senior pastor (or associate pastor / the Deacons only if the office of pastor is vacant).

Should there be any dissent as to any candidate, such dissent shall be referred to the senior pastor and the deacons for investigation and the making of a recommendation to the church within thirty (30) days. A quorum (three-fourths vote of members present) shall be required to elect such candidate into membership.

SECTION 3 – New Member Orientation

New members of this church are expected to participate in the church’s member orientation program when available.


SECTION 4 – Membership Status


(A) Any person who has joined the church in a manner as prescribed in Section 2 and is attending on a regular basis.

(B) Any person who has joined the church and is not attending because of illness, military service, job schedule, traveling or some other circumstance must notify the Senior Pastor, associate pastor, a deacon or another lay leader of the church of their absence.

(C) Be a regular and cheerful giver of all gifts of God, tithes, offerings, service and participation in the ministries of the church.


(A) Any person who has joined the church but has not attended for three (3) consecutive months as verified by the Clerk, the Treasurer and the Chair of Deacons and once verified the name shall be given to the Senior Pastor for final approval of transfer to Inactive Member.

(B) Any person who has joined the church and later requests to be removed from the membership roll.

(C) Upon a letter of transfer being requested/sent to another Southern Baptist Church for members in good standing.

(D) Any one joining another church denomination.

(E) Exclusion by action of this church. (Per SECTION 7 – Discipline of a Member)

(F) Upon notification of death.

(G) If a member is church officer and under disciplinary all duties will be suspended until resolution of issue.

Upon any of the above actions, the Clerk shall remove the member from the ACTIVE MEMBER roll.   

Any person removed from the ACTIVE MEMBER roll who wants to renew their relationship as a member must meet with the Senior Pastor to discuss and review the SECTION 2 – Qualifications For Church Membership to address any issues prior to going forward at any alter call service.  A record of all active members shall be kept by the church clerk and shall be updated on a minimum of quarterly intervals. An updated list shall be made available at the beginning of each church year.

SECTION 5 – Duties of a Member

On becoming a member of this church, in addition to the covenant contained in Article III of the Constitution, each one further covenants to love, honor, and esteem the senior pastor; to pray for him; and to recognize his authority in spiritual affairs of the church; to cherish a brotherly love for all members of the church; to support the church in prayer, tithes, offerings and with other financial support as the Lord enables; and in accordance with Biblical commands to serve and support through a life-style walk affirmation of the beliefs and practices of the church.

SECTION 6 – Privileges of Membership

This church functions as a pure democracy, as a body under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and the direction of the senior pastor as the undershepherd. Membership in this church does not afford those individuals with any property, contract, or civil rights based on principles of democratic government determination of the internal affairs of this church are ecclesiastical matters and shall be determined exclusively by the church’s own rules and procedures. The senior pastor shall oversee and/or conduct all aspects of this church. The deacons shall give counsel and assistance to the senior pastor as requested by him. Each active member of the church shall be entitled to vote on all matters brought before the church at a meeting.

SECTION 7 – Discipline of a Member

(A) There shall be a discipline committee consisting of the senior pastor, associate pastors and the deacons. These men shall have sole authority in determining heretical deviations for the statement of faith and violations of the church covenant. If any pastor or a deacon is the subject of a disciplinary matter, he shall not sit as a member of the discipline committee. He shall be entitled to the same steps as other church members and be subject to the same discipline.

(B) Members are expected to demonstrate special loyalty and concern for one another. When a member becomes aware of an offense of such magnitude that it hinders spiritual growth and testimony, he is to go alone to the offending party and seek to restore his brother. Before he goes, he should first examine himself. When he goes, he should go with a spirit of humility and have the goal of restoration- (Matthew 18:15-17)

(C) If reconciliation is not reached; either a deacon or a pastor is to accompany the one seeking to resolve the matter. The wife of a pastor or deacon may also be present.  This second step should also be preceded by self-examination, and exercised in a spirit of humility with the goal of restoration.

(D) If the matter is still unresolved after the steps outlined in subsections (B) and (C) have been taken, the discipline committee, as the church representatives Biblically responsible for putting down murmuring, shall hear the matter. If the matter is not resolved during the hearing before the discipline committee,   the committee shall recommend to the members of the church that they, after self-examination, make an effort personally to go to the offending member and seek that member’s restoration.

(E) If the matter is still unresolved after the steps outlined in subsections (B), (C), and (D) have been taken, such members who refuse to repent and be restored are to be removed from the membership of the church upon a quorum at a meeting called for the purpose of considering disciplinary action.

(F) No matter may be heard by the discipline committee or the church unless the steps outlined in subsections (B) and (C) have been taken, except in the case of a public offense.

(G) If an unrepentant offending party is removed from the church membership, all contact with him from that point forward must be for the sake of restoration (except family members).



SECTION 1 – Church Officers

The church officers are senior pastor, associate pastors, minister of music, Head Deacon, Head Trustee, clerk, and treasurer.

(A) No immediate family member of any church staff may be nominated or serve on any office or committee that deals in any way with the finances of the church; Trustee, or Treasury.

(B) No salaried Secretary shall serve as the Church Clerk or any assistant to the clerk due to conflict of duties.

SECTION 2 – Designation of Corporate Officers

As an accommodation to legal relationships outside the church, the senior pastor shall serve as president of the corporation; the church clerk shall serve as secretary of the corporation; the treasurer shall serve as treasurer of the corporation; the chairman of deacons shall serve as vice president of the corporation; and the Head Trustee will be the directors of the corporation.

SECTION 3 – Senior Pastor

The relationship between the senior pastor and the church shall be permanent unless dissolved at the option of either party by the giving of a minimum 30 day notice, or less if by mutual consent or because of dire circumstances such as illness or death.

If the severance of the relationship between the pastor and the church is being considered by church action, this action may be brought at any regular church meeting, provided notice to that effect has been given from the pulpit to the church for two Sundays prior to said regular church meeting.  The moderator for this meeting shall be designated by attending quorum, and he shall be someone other than the pastor.  The vote to sever the relationship shall be by secret ballot to be counted by Head Trustee, Church Clerk, and a Deacon, an affirmative quorum is required to declare the office vacant.  The termination date shall be determined after the vote is affirmed and shall not exceed 30 days from the meeting.

Upon notice of the resignation of the senior pastor, his termination of service shall be rendered in not more than thirty (30) days after his resignation or longer if so approved by the Leadership Team or unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Upon leaving office, the church will compensate the pastor at the current ‘benefit package’ that is determined by the Leadership Team. 

A pulpit committee shall then be elected by the church to seek out a suitable senior pastor, and its recommendations will constitute a nomination. Any church member has the privilege of making other nominations to the pulpit committee not less than 30 days prior to any election meeting. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one candidate at a time. A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. The election shall take place at a meeting called for that specific purpose, after at least two weeks’ public announcement from the pulpit on Sundays has been given prior to the meeting date. The moderator for this meeting shall be designated by the members present by majority vote, and he shall be someone other than the senior pastor. The vote for a new senior pastor shall be by secret ballot, a quorum being necessary for the election of a new senior pastor.  Ballots are to be counted by Head Trustee, Church Clerk, and a Deacon.  The senior pastor, thus elected, shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request or the church’s request.

In the case of Gross Misconduct: damaging to the church or their reputation by the senior pastor, a meeting of the church congregation may be called upon the recommendation of a majority of the Leadership Team and the deacons or by written petition signed by not less than one-fourth of the active church members. In instances of gross misconduct by the pastor that results in his termination no further compensation shall be rendered to him after the date of the meeting that removed him from office.

(A) In accordance with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 – The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer[a] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,[b] sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil. The senior pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as Scripture-led church.

(B) The senior pastor will lead the church, the organizations, and the church leaders and staff to perform their tasks.

(C) The senior pastor is leader of all pastoral ministries in the church. As such, he works with leadership and staff to:

  1. Lead the church in the advancement of its vision of the church;
  2. Teach the gospel to believers and unbelievers; and
  3. Shepherd the flock.
  4. All appointments for public worship and Bible study and the arrangements thereof including time and place and the use of the property belonging to the church for purposes other than the stated appointments shall be under the control of the senior pastor, or his designee.

SECTION 4 – Associate Pastors

Under the direction and guidance of the senior pastor, the associate pastors of the church shall assist the senior pastor in carrying out the ministries of the church.

SECTION 5 – Minister of Music

The minister of music is responsible for all functions relating to the musical programs of the church. The Minister of Music will be the Team Leader for Praise Team. The minister of music understands the importance of and leads the church in the praise and worship through music thus leading to a closer fellowship with the Lord.  The following are the duties and responsibilities of this officer:

(A) The teaching or overseeing of music education such as:

  1. the training or directing of music (voice & instrument)
  2. the training of persons to lead music (church, choir, etc.)

(B) Oversee providing for all facets of music necessary for all regular church services, any specials authorized by the church and if requested – funerals of active members.

(C) Act as or designate appropriate person to lead choir, groups, duets or soloists providing music to the church for worship and praise.

Minister of Music will recruit members for Praise Team and will resolve any conflicts within the team. If the conflict deals with the Minister of Music then the Praise Team Member will bring to the Pastor any issues.

SECTION 6 – Deacons

The church shall elect deacons as recommended to the church by the senior pastor.  There shall be no obligation to accept a deacon who has been a deacon in another church, but in such instances as one might be chosen by the church for service as a deacon, his previous ordination by another church of like faith and order may suffice for this church. 1 Timothy 3:8-13  8 Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued,[a] not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. 9 They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. 11 Their wives likewise[b] must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. 12 Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. 13 For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. Their task is to serve with the senior pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministries tasks of:

(A) Assist Pastor and fulfil the vision of the church;

(B)  Carry out the Great Commission Matthew 28:19-20 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

(C) Caring for the church’s members and other persons in the community.

(D) Overseeing the preparation for and observance of baptism.

(E) Preparing the elements and equipment for the observance of the Lord’s Supper

(F) Oversee all of the functions normally included as Outreach functions. These will include serving those who are not and/or cannot utilize any of the services and meetings of the church. Organize visitation as well as phone calls, cards and letters to those members who are known to be incapacitated and those who have not been recently attending for unknown reasons. The same procedures are applicable for visitors to the church. Others may be called on to aid the deacons in these activities.

A deacon may resign or step down from active service with proper notice given to the senior pastor and the chair of deacons.  This will not require his ordination to be revoked.  Deacons may be removed from service for unbiblical conduct, as determined by the church upon a quorum.  The church may revoke his ordination from FSBC if gross misconduct is deemed damaging to the church or their reputation.

SECTION 7 – Head Trustee

(A) The church shall elect Head Trustee to serve as legal officer for the church for three-year terms.

(B) Upon a specific vote of the church authorizing each action, the trustee shall exercise the following specific powers for church property:

  1. To purchase, hold, lease, or otherwise acquire real and personal property on behalf of the church, and to take real and personal property by will, gift, or bequest on behalf of the church.
  2. To sell, convey, alienate, transfer, lease, assign, exchange, or otherwise dispose of, and to mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber the real and personal property of the church, to borrow money and incur indebtedness for the purpose and the use of the church; to cause to be executed, issued, and delivered for the indebtedness, in the name of the church, promissory notes, bonds, debentures, or other evidence of indebtedness; and to secure repayment by deeds of trust, mortgages, or pledges
  3. To exercise all powers necessary for the dissolution of the church corporation, if such action is mandated by a vote of the church membership.
  4. To exercise all powers necessary for the proper accounting of funds in the Church Treasury.

SECTION 8 – Church Clerk

Church Clerk shall:

(A) Certify and keep at the office of the Church, the original Bylaws or a copy, including all amendments or alterations to the Bylaws.

(B) Keep at the place where the Bylaws or a copy are kept a record of the proceedings of business meetings, with the time and place of holding, the notice of meeting given, the names of those present at the meetings.

(C) Sign, certify, see that the reports, statements, certificates, and all other documents and records required by law are properly kept and filed.

(D) See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. In case of the absence or disability of the church clerk, or his or her refusal or neglect to act, notice may be given and served by the pastor, or by the chairman of deacons.

(E) Be custodian of the records of the church, including the membership roll, baptisms, and certificates of ordination, licenses and commissions.

 (F) Have Bylaws and minutes of church meetings available to church members within two weeks of request.

(H) Keep all records at the office of the church and deliver them to any successor upon leaving office.

( I ) Keep term in position until

            (A) Surrendered

            (B) If disciplinary action is needed by leadership of Church

            (C) Has become Deceased

SECTION 9 – Treasurer

The Treasurer will be responsible for making any necessary arrangements to assure that there are a minimum of two persons (unrelated) in all instances that involve the handling of monies and/or checks.  The treasurer also shall:

(A) Have charge and custody of, and be responsible, for, all funds of the Corporation, and deposit all funds in the name of the church in banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the authority of church membership.

(B) Receive and give receipt for all contributions, gifts, and donations to the church as required by Internal Revenue Service regulation.

(C) Disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds by check of the church as may be directed by pastor, or the budget adopted by the members of the church as the annual church business meeting, taking proper vouchers for the disbursements. Report on as necessary at business meetings.

(D) Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the church’s properties and business transactions including account of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, and capital.

(E) Make available to any active church member upon request within two weeks, any financial report presented at any business meeting that was accepted as read.  If any changes were required at meeting, report will not be available until required changes have been made and accepted by the church.

(F) Keep all church financial records at the office of the church and deliver them to any successor upon leaving office.

(G) Serve as treasurer of the corporation.

(H) The financial records may be audited as deemed necessary in a regular or special business meeting.

(I) Prepare an annual budget to be presented to the church at the September regular meeting.

(J) Keep term in position until

            (A) Surrendered

            (B) If disciplinary action is needed by leadership of Church

            (C) Has become Deceased



Only active church members are eligible for election or appointment to any church office or position, with the exception of senior pastor. As stated in Article I, Section 2 (B) of the Constitution, only men are eligible for licensure and ordination by the church. A vacancy occurring in any church position, except in the case of the senior pastor and/or deacons may be filled at any regular church meeting.

The church shall maintain the following programs and committees as it deems necessary: Bible education, church member training, church leader training, outreach, new member orientation, mission education, action and support, and music education, training and performance. All teams shall be under the senior pastor and as such is an ex-officio member of all teams named, and his leadership is to be recognized in them.  The teams of this church shall be a Leadership Team, Education Team, Events Team, Host Team and Praise Team and such other regular teams as may be added by the amendment procedure prescribed within these Bylaws. Leadership team will be lead by the Senior Pastor. Praise Team will be lead by the Minister of Music. People can only be on one team. Education, Events, and Host Team Leaders will be voted on by the church until:

(A) Surrendered

            (B) If disciplinary action is needed by leadership of Church

            (C) Has become Deceased

The church shall provide all needed resources for the functioning and advancement of the programs:

SECTION 1 – Leadership Team (Church Council)

The Leadership Team will consist of Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor (if any), Minister of Music, Head Deacon, Head Trustee, Church Clerk, Education Team Leader, Events Team Leader, and Host Team Leader.

The Leadership Team will have monthly meetings to discuss any issues in the church, upcoming events and/or topics to bring to the church. The Leadership Team will discuss salaries for any staff and bring to the church for a vote. Team Leaders will also advise of all activities or issues within their teams.

SECTION 2 – Education Team Leader

The Education director shall supervise the educational programs including but not limited to Sunday School, weekly Bible Studies, Children’s ministry programs: VBS, Children’s Church, Trunk or Treat, etc.…, Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU), Brotherhood and Youth group programs. In consultation with the senior pastor, the director shall recommend the appointment of members as teachers and leaders of the educational programs. The director shall preside at the educational Program meetings, and report on the condition of the educational programs at church business meetings.

Materials other than the Bible, all education materials need to be approved through Education Director and Senior Pastor. All educational programs or courses of instruction shall be conducted consistent with the teaching of the inerrant Word of God. It is the responsibility of every instructor or teacher to present the inerrant Word of God as the sole infallible source of knowledge and wisdom.

 (A) Discipleship training of church members is to enable the performance of the functions of the church, training church leaders, orient new members, teach Christian theology, Christian ethics and Christian history.

(B) WMU and Brotherhood’s purpose is training of mission education, mission action, and mission support organization of the church for. They are to also support world missions through praying and giving, and provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.  WMU is comprised of women, young girls, and pre-school children and Brotherhood is men, young men and boys.

 (C) Youth group is comprised of the Jr. High and/or High School age students. in activities that encourage Bible study, activities and outings that will further their spiritual walk. This includes, but is not limited to:

(a) Regular Meetings

(b) Witnessing and outreach to peers

(c) Recreation

(d) Concerts and outings when available.

The youth leadership should also help build a relationship with each of the young people, to encourage openness and a willingness to go to the leadership when they are in need of counseling and direction for someone outside of their own family.

Education Team Leader will recruit members for Education Team and will resolve any conflicts within the team. If the conflict deals with the Education Team Leader then the Education Team Member will bring to the Pastor any issues.

Education Team Leader will need to hold at least one monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and any planning scheduling needs to be done through the office. Meeting minutes will need to be taken and given to the church the Sunday after the meeting.

SECTION 3 – Events Team Leader

Events Team Leader will oversee Events Team. Events will include the following, but not limited to, Movie Night, Work Day, All Seasons Market, Fundraisers, Christmas Party, Decorating, Trunk or Treat, Potlucks, Hospitality, Bereavement Dinner Scheduling, Fall Festival, Faith and Blue, and all other events done by the church.

Events Team Leader will recruit members for Events Team and will resolve any conflicts within the team. If the conflict deals with the Events Team Leader then the Events Team Member will bring to the Pastor any issues.

Events Team Leader will need to hold at least one monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and any planning scheduling needs to be done through the office. Meeting minutes will need to be taken and given to the church the Sunday after the meeting.

SECTION 4 – Host Team Leader

Host Team Leader will oversee the Host Team. Host Team is responsible for the following: coffee and donuts, Birthday/Anniversary Cards, Greeting during Sunday Morning Worship, Calling new visitors, and Assisting visitors/members/regular attendees to appropriate people for service areas in First Southern Baptist Church.

Host Team Leader will recruit members for Host Team and will resolve any conflict within the team. If the conflicts deals with the Host Team Leader then the Host Team Member will bring to the Pastor any issues.

Host Team Leader will need to hold at least one monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and any planning scheduling needs to be done through the office. Meeting minutes will need to be taken and given to the church the Sunday after the meeting.

SECTION 5 – Duties of All Officers

(A) All officers shall submit a written report of their work for the church upon request of senior pastor or church membership.

(B) Any officer who neglects his/her duties as outlined in the Bylaws for a period of three months may be removed from his/her office at the discretion of the church and another may be elected by the church.

SECTION 6 – Installation of Officers and Ordination of Deacons

At a public installation service, all newly approved officers of the church are to be dedicated to their respective offices. The ordination of newly approved deacons shall be held at a public church service following their approval by the church.



SECTION 1 – Meetings for Worship

Unless otherwise determined by the senior pastor, the church shall meet each Sunday for public worship in the morning and at least once during the week for Bible study and prayer. Except when circumstances forbid it, the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper shall be observed during the Sunday morning worship service the first Sunday of every month.

SECTION 2 -Meetings for Church Business

(A) A church business meeting shall be held quarterly on the First Sunday afternoon at 2pm of each of the following months: December, March, June and September, at which time the regular church business shall be considered. A quorum is necessary for all voting items.  The annual election for church officers and budget shall be at the regular church business meeting in September of each year.

(B) All church business meeting shall be opened with prayer for divine guidance and blessing by the moderator (Senior Pastor) or his designee.

(C) The following order shall be observed at the regular church business meetings;

(1) Prayer and/or devotions

(2) Reading of minutes

(3) Report of Leadership Team

(4) Report of Teams

(5) Unfinished matters

(6) Election of officers

(7) New matters

(8) Adjournment

SECTION 3 – Special Meetings

(A) The senior pastor (or deacons) may call a special meeting by giving notice of such a meeting and the purpose for which it is called to the church not less than one week prior to said meeting.

 (B) Bible conferences, missionary conferences, and revivals may be held as the pastor deems beneficial.

(C) Emergency meetings may be called by the senior pastor, or in his absence, by the Leadership Team.



Any expenditure, not authorized in the regular annual budget, must be authorized by a vote of the church. Any emergency expenditure must be authorized by the pastor, Leadership Team, or Head Trustee, as appropriate.



SECTION 1 – Ordination Qualifications

Any member of this church or its mission churches, who gives evidence of a genuine call of God into the work of the ministry, may be ordained as a minister of the Gospel. (I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9)

SECTION 2 – Ordination Procedure

(A) Upon a conference with the senior pastor and after the senior pastor and church have approved the candidate for ordination, the senior pastor shall call a council to examine and pass on the qualification of the candidate. The ordination council shall consist of ordained ministers or deacons of like faith invited to participate in the examination of the candidate.

(B) If the candidate is found worthy of the ordination by the council, the ordination council may, by direction of the church, ordain the candidate.

(C) The senior pastor and the chairman of the deacons shall arrange for the ordination service.



SECTION 1 – Actions Subject to Indemnification – Secure Against Hurt/Loss/Damage

The church may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, including all appeals (other than an action by or in the right of the church) by reason of the fact that the person is or was a pastor, deacon, officer, employee, or agent of the church, against expenses, including attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the action, suit, or proceeding; and if that person acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the church and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit, or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or on a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner that he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the church and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful.

SECTION 2 – Expenses Subject to Indemnification

To the extent that any pastor, deacon, officer, employee, or agent has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit, or proceeding referred to in this Article, or in defense of any claim, issue, or matter in that action, suit, or proceeding, he or she may be indemnified against expenses, including attorneys’ fees, actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the action, suit, or proceeding.

SECTION 3 – Limitations of Indemnification

Any indemnification made under this Article, may be made by the church only as authorized in the specific case on a determination that indemnification of any pastor, deacon, officer, employee, or agent is proper in the circumstances because he has met the applicable standard of conduct set form in Section 1 of this Article. The determination shall be made (a) by a quorum consisting of the senior pastor, associate pastors and deacons who were not and are not parties to, or threatened with, the action, suit, or proceeding; (b) if the described quorum is not obtainable, or if a quorum of disinterested pastors or deacons so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion; or (c) by a quorum of the members of the church.

SECTION 4 – Timing of Indemnification

Expenses of each person seeking indemnification under this Article, may be paid by the church as they are incurred, in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit, or proceeding, as authorized by the Board of Deacons in the specific case, on receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of a pastor, deacon, officer, employee, or agent to repay the amount if it is ultimately determined that he or she is not qualified to be indemnified by the church

SECTION 5 – Extent of Indemnification

The indemnification provided by this Article shall be deemed to be discretionary unless otherwise required as a matter of law or under any agreement or provided by insurance purchased by the church, both as to action of each person seeking indemnification under this Article in his official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding that office, and may continue as to a person who has ceased to be a pastor, deacon, officer, employee, or agent and may inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of that person.

SECTION 6 – Insurance

The church may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a pastor, deacon, \ officer, employee, or agent of the church against any liability asserted against him and incurred by him in \ that capacity, or arising out of his status in that capacity, whether or not the church would have the power to indemnify him against liability under the provisions of this Article.



SECTION 1 – Private Inurnment

No part of the net earnings of the church shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Head Trustee, officers, or other private persons, except that the church shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for the services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution hereof.

SECTION 2 – Political Involvement

No part of the activities of the church shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The church shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Neither any church member nor any guest may speak upon, advocate for or against, or endorse any political candidate or viewpoint during any church service of worship or praise.  The wearing or advertising of any politically themed items in church or on church property is strictly prohibited.    

SECTION 3 – Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the church, the Leadership Team shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all the liabilities of the church, dispose of all of the assets of the church to such organization or organizations formed and operated exclusively for religious purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(3C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Head Trustee shall determine.  Assets may be distributed only to organizations which agree with the church’s statement of faith.

SECTION 4 – Racial Nondiscrimination

The church shall have a racially nondiscriminatory policy and therefore shall not discriminate against members, applicants, students, and others on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin.

SECTION 5 – Limitation of Activities

Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the church shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes stated in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution.



From time to time the church, in the exercise of its religious, educational, and charitable purposes, may establish various funds to accomplish specific goals. Contributors may suggest uses for their contributions but all suggestions shall be deemed advisory rather than mandatory in nature. All contributions made to specific funds or otherwise designated shall remain subject to the exclusive control and discretion of the pastor and the Trustee. No fiduciary obligation shall be created by any designated contribution made to the church other than to use the contribution for the general furtherance of any of the purposes stated in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution.  



SECTION 1 – Submission to Arbitration

Believing that lawsuits between believers are prohibited by Scripture, all members of this church agree to submit to binding arbitration any matters which cannot otherwise be resolved, and expressly waive any and all rights in law and equity to bringing any civil disagreement before a court of law, except that judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

SECTION 2 – Notice of Arbitration

In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising out of or relating to these Bylaws or any other church matter, the parties shall use their best efforts to settle such disputes, claims, questions, or disagreement as befits Christians. To this effect, they shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests not to disgrace the name of Christ, seek to reach a just and equitable solution. If they do not reach such solution within a period of sixty (60) days, then upon notice by either party to the other, disputes, claims, questions, or differences shall be finally settled by arbitration as described in Section 1, above, and such Procedures for Arbitration as are adopted pursuant to the following two sections.

SECTION 3 – Limitations on Arbitration Decisions

(A) Should any dispute involve matters of church discipline, the arbitrators shall be limited to determining whether the procedures for church discipline as outlined under Article I, Section 7, were followed.

(B) Should any dispute involve the removal from office of the senior pastor or any church officer, the arbitrators shall be limited to determining whether the procedures set forth in Article II, Section 3 were followed.


SECTION 4 – Arbitration Procedures

The procedures for arbitration shall be as adopted by the pastor and the Board of Deacons.



Changes in the Constitution and/or Bylaws may be made at any business meeting of the church provided a written copy of each proposed amendment has been made available to any active member of the church for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws shall be by adopted by a quorum vote.

I, ______________________________, church clerk, do attest that these changes to the Constitution and/or Bylaws were adopted by a quorum at a duly-called meeting of the church.  This Constitution and Bylaws supersede all other Constitution and Bylaws of Redeeming Grace Church.

Dated:      10/19/2022                                                       Signed:    Jennifer Keefe, Church Clerk